PS125 Pumping Station Construction
Over a period of six months Seipp completed construction of three new pumping stations to replace facilities which had been damaged in the Christchurch earthquakes.
- Design of temporary works
- Sheet piling and dewatering
- Drainage works
- Construction of in-site concrete elements
- Mechanical works
Project Description
Over a period of six months Seipp completed construction of three new pumping stations to replace facilities which had been damaged in the Christchurch earthquakes. The scope of works for the St John’s Road facility (PS 125) comprised civil construction, mechanical fit-out, and final commissioning.
The Seipp Construction team’s specific knowledge of Council assets and CCC Construction Standards Specifications ensured PS125 was completed successfully. In particular, our proven protocols for dealing with services protection proved to be invaluable. With 11kv cables in close proximity to the site, we took a proactive approach to accurately identify and protect these assets. This included liaising closely with service provider, Orion and using hydro-excavation. Once located, we sheet piled over the cables and installed timber ply as a visual guide.
With expertise gained from a number of earlier pump station projects and their ability to plan effectively, the Seipp team eliminated delays and saved significant costs in their delivery of PS125.
Seipp Construction are dewatering experts. Our experience includes well point systems, large and small diameter wells and surface dewatering. We have comprehensive controls in place, including 24-hour remote monitoring of all pumps, live web access to the data of turbidity metres installed at the point of discharge and pH sensors. This system is a New Zealand first and enables immediate action in the face of any issues. We also have an extensive range of sediment and decanting binds, including oil separators.