Beachville Road Pump Station

Pump Station 131 was constructed to replace the earthquake damaged Pump Station 30 located on Beachville Road.
We were awarded turnkey delivery and undertook all mechanical fit-out, electrical installations, and final commissioning.
The new pump station was designed to capture flows from the repaired 225 gravity main running along Beachville Road. It was connected into the existing 125 OD pressure main, running through Redcliffs Park, to a gravity sewer main in Redcliffs’ Main Road.
Our construction methodology utilised 4 No. compression and tension screw piles. This design was specified to mitigate the effects of any future seismic activity on the new structure.
This project was undertaken in close proximity to the sea. As a result ground conditions were difficult and our construction team was faced with a series of obstacles and challenges. However, our experience constructing PS131 was invaluable. The lessons learned and best practice gained have been applied to our highly successful completion of three subsequent pump station projects.